Tatsumi Komiya's studio tells several stories. The story of his life's journey, which began in Japan, where he studied the art of glassblowing, and continues today in his studio in Cap-Chat. The story of the visitors who have come to admire his creations, and to try their hand at this delicate art as part of the artist's courses. And, of course, that of his works, such as the furins (風鈴) that gently sway in the wind, emitting a refreshing sound associated with Japanese hot summers. Having lived in Japan for five years myself, the melodious sound of furins is a beautiful reminder to take a moment to close my eyes and enjoy the sun and the wind.

Tatsumi Komiya and the Maison des verriers de Cap-Chat

Smile, Hand, Outerwear, Cap, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture, Eyewear, Headgear

For a cultural experience where Japanese know-how meets Gaspesian decor, drop in his workshop-boutique and learn glass blowing from a master of the art. 

Tatsumi Komiya et la Maison des verriers de Cap-Chat

Smile, Hand, Outerwear, Cap, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture, Eyewear, Headgear

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